If you’re interested in marrying a woman, should you propose to her through DMs? The short answer is no, you should not. For the long answer, read on.
Why is it a terrible idea to DM bints marriage proposals? Consider the following.
Due to the histrionics of online Muslims, there’s no upside to DM’ing bints a marriage proposal. Frankly, these days there’s little upside to DM’ing any woman, Muslim or otherwise, anything. Here’s what you should be concerned with. Assume everything you say online will be screenshot and used against you. Nature of the beast, I’m afraid.
If you think a bint is going to be discrete out of concern for her reputation, you are mistaken. You believe she will hold you in confidence because, in a healthy society, to reveal anything is mutually assured destruction. But we do not live in a healthy society. And the modern bint is shameless. Why should she have any shame? There are no consequences for her shamelessness. On the contrary, she is celebrated for it.
How to DM a marriage proposal
But if you’ve no choice and you absolutely must do it, here’s what you should say instead.
What’s your father’s number?
And then say nothing else. Do not follow up. Shut your mouth. If she doesn’t respond or says anything other than what you asked, assume she’s not interested and move on. Muslim women will understand you mean by this. A woman who’s worth marrying and is ready to marry will only respond one way. By giving you her father’s number.
Don’t waste your time, attention and energy. Women will Shang Tsung your life force without batting an eye. And if you don’t want to talk to her father first, my brother in Islam, you aren’t serious about marriage and have no business proposing to any woman. This should be obvious to you but I know thirst makes us do stupid ish. That’s why it’s important to train yourself on proper conduct.